I’m fascinated by one of my potted succulents. It was growing strong, reaching up to the light. Then the growth spurt must have gotten a bit too much. At first it collapsed under its own success but, over the next day or so, two outside leaves drew in close to the sides of the pot and leant against it – just a touch. Now it’s continuing to grow strong, because it’s got support.

Last Sunday Ashleigh encouraged us to have hope, to not be overwhelmed, but to pray confidently, because Jesus has authority and power over all. Yes! We can lean on him.

God often answers my prayers with his Word and the Holy Spirit’s comfort. But many times he also gives people – ‘Jesus with skin on’ – to sit with me, to listen, to pray with me, or to just be there and love me. That’s what church is. Not just going to church together, but being church together. Encouraging, caring, supporting and even challenging each other (Hebrews 10:24). 

As COVID restrictions lift, we’re gradually seeing more of each other, but I wonder if we’ve gotten out of some of our habits of being together. Out of the habit of leaning on each other. Out of the habit of supporting each other.

Remember my succulent and its ever-so sturdy pot. Is something a bit too much at the moment? Lean. And, church, be ‘Jesus with skin on’. Support. 

Sue McQuay