(Matthew 4:19)

On week four of my Sabbatical last year, I experienced what I believe was a ‘God moment’. It was during a sermon at a church service we were at. The pastor began his sermon with a question. He said, “How would you complete the following sentence, ‘God, I would like you to use me to…’?”

In the quietness of my heart, I said to the Lord, “I would really like you to use me to lead people to you! That would be such an honour”. That moment has remained with me ever since. Let me explain why it was a special moment.

Over the years of my being a Christian, I’ve shared the gospel with many people, very often with my stomach in knots. Some memorable ones occurred in Papua New Guinea and India where I preached the gospel to audiences numbering around the 30s, with a few giving their lives to Jesus. I still remember the feelings of overwhelming joy praying for these individuals.

Another memorable moment happened in Los Angeles when on a mission trip, I felt to walk up to a total stranger to share my testimony and the gospel. Again, I got the heebie-jeebies. “Lord, what if this guy thinks I am nuts? What if this guy hurls abuse at me?” I was fighting the Lord all the way. Eventually, I relented.

When I asked the man if he would give me an opportunity to share my testimony with him, he said, “Sure”. I’ll be honest; I was floored. The conversation went on for about 30 minutes or so. At the conclusion of it, I asked if he understood and if he wanted to give his life over to Jesus. To my utter shock and amazement, he said, “Yes”, to which I replied, “Are you really sure?”. What unbelief on my part!

As you can imagine, I was over the moon. I wasn’t the only one. According to Jesus, there was a glorious celebration in heaven over that person who repented and came back to God! (Luke 15:7).

At the service last year, I believe Jesus wanted to remind me that part and parcel of following Him includes fishing for people. It’s a promise from Him to me, not from me to Him because of guilt or for fear of rejection by Him. In addition, He promised He will show us how to do it with leading the way. 

Are you willing and ready to learn and do it? I hope you are because my sense as I’ve prayed over the next couple of years that leading people to Jesus is to be the focal point of our prayers and efforts!
