
Listen to our sermon recordings as a podcast or watch our live-streamed service on Facebook, Sundays at 10am.


Who struggles with self-criticism?

Since retirement with more time spent talking with men, I realise we don’t know how to stop being so hard on ourselves. Whatever we do just doesn’t seem good enough. For example, in the maintenance group Will and I can never be the carpenter Tom is, Tom and I will...

Holy Noticing

Several years ago, a photo taken by Eric Smith, went viral. He took six shots showing a female humpback and her calf, surfacing two feet away, but a man was glued to his phone in every single shot even when three other people on his boat were all excitedly looking...

Gratefulness in the slums of India

Some years ago I led a team to provide basic health care and whatever practical assistance within our means to a slum in India for several weeks. Just before Christmas, we organised a ‘party’ for the community. We preached the gospel and gave away presents to the...

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