Windsor Road Baptist Church blog
Everyday Disciple: Finishing Well
Have you heard of Lachie Stuart, the Queensland man who has been doing 58 marathons in 58 days, the last one being run this week? He has been on a mission to raise money for mental health in Australia. Ten years ago, he had hit rock bottom and now wants to help...
Discipleship is intentional and formational
14 And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to...
Discipleship is relationship
When we read the calling of Peter, Andrew, James and John (read Mark 1:14-18), we are left with the impression that Jesus has never met them before. We imagine Jesus’ approach to be this mysterious process where after Jesus looks up to the sky, praying, he then turns...
Unity & Mission
In the longest recorded prayer Jesus prayed just before his arrest, trial, torture and execution, Jesus spends two thirds of it praying for his disciples and future disciples. One thing he prayed for was for our unity, ‘that all of them may be one, Father, just as you...
Everyday Disciple: Immersed in Scripture
The Matukituki River is breathtakingly beautiful as are the glaciers that feed into it from Mt Aspiring National Park. I visited there during a hike in NZ last month. God takes my breath away. Not only does He create spectacular beauty but He allows us to immerse...
Counting the Cost
Today we begin the Everyday Disciples series with the opening topic of ‘Counting the Cost’. The first question in the study guide sparked interesting conversation in our young adults LTG, ‘What are some things that you are willing to pay for to provide you joy,...
‘Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people!’ (Luke 5:10b)
In what appears to be a different event from Matthew 4:19, we have Peter, James and John, fishing tirelessly all night and catching nothing. They’re back at the shore washing their fishing nets. Meanwhile, Jesus is preaching nearby to a large crowd that is increasing...
‘Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people’
(Matthew 4:19) On week four of my Sabbatical last year, I experienced what I believe was a ‘God moment’. It was during a sermon at a church service we were at. The pastor began his sermon with a question. He said, “How would you complete the following sentence, ‘God,...
Onward and Upward
Just imagine. In 2025 you’re going to climb Mount Everest. You’re in top physical, emotional, and psychological condition. You’ve done several successful trips on lower peaks. You’ve built up your skills on rock, snow, and ice. You’ve got strength endurance,...
The Gift Of Jesus
Bob and I have just spent the week having our three beautiful grandkids stay over while their Mum and Dad have some timeout and a wedding in Perth. As I write this, we’re one day to go and nearly done...physically and mentally! It’s been an amazing experience and we...