Recently Bob’s message provided excellent insight into how Jeremiah responded when challenged directly by a false prophet, in the temple in front of many people. Jeremiah calmly removed himself from the situation, made no judgement on the false prophet, and waited on God to speak to him. It caused me to wonder what Jeremiah was thinking about the false prophet as he calmly managed the situation. Did he question the man’s motivations, calling, faith, sanity, or bravery? What conclusions may he have come to? And why did he choose to respond the way he did?

Do you ever wonder why people do what they do, say what they say, or dress like they dress etc? What is behind their decisions and actions? Are you like me and sometimes quick to judge people’s behaviours, the quality of their decisions or why they chose to do what they did…and turn those judgements into an evaluation of their character, intelligence, upbringing, or personage as a whole? In doing this is that we are literally judging the book (person) by the cover, unable to see or understand anything written on the pages inside – effectively their life story to date.

A person’s behaviours are the visible indication of their worldview, vision of life, values, beliefs and attitudes.

The reality is we rarely, if ever, know another person’s (and often not even our own) worldview, values, beliefs and attitudes. It is not a space most people ever dig into. Sure, we can guess or assume based on their behaviours/actions/words/responses.  But can we ever REALLY know?

God reminds us not to judge others in Matthew 7:1-3 (NIV), “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”

My encouragement to myself and us, is to be like Jeremiah and Jesus. Be quick to listen, quick to reflect, quick to try understanding the life story behind the face and behaviours…and measured in our reactions and responses. Before I think on the behaviours of others, should I not think on whether people see the love of Jesus through MY behaviours?


Peter Edwards