I don’t know about you, but I’m still pondering on many things that Rebecca and Sue McP shared over the past six weeks in their Faith and Mental Health and Holy Habits series. And I’ve found that those difficult Covey questions Sue quoted keep coming back to me:

· What one thing could you do (something you aren’t doing now) that, if you did it on a regular basis, would make a tremendous positive difference in your personal life?

· Why aren’t you doing it?

I turned those questions into prayer, kind of expecting an instant, mind-blowing, life-changing answer. But there hasn’t been one. Instead, what I’ve sensed is that the answer is coming little by little (more echoes of Sue’s sermon, there).

I realised that I’m in a process of discernment—another holy habit:

· being willing to WAIT on God and

· TRUST him to guide, uphold and empower and fulfil his good and perfect will in me.

· In his time.

· In his way.

· For his glory.

· And his name’s sake.

Waiting is often difficult.

Sue McQuay