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(Colossians 4:7-18) What makes a person a ‘friend’? My dictionary tells me a friend is ‘a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.’ How often does one need to connect with a friend for them to be a ‘friend’? I have several friends who I...
Passion to make God and His word fully known
(Colossians 1:24-29) One of the most overused words that I try to avoid is ‘passion’. An article I read recently heartens me as it vindicates my point of view. James Clear, the author of the #1 New York bestseller, “Atomic Habits” writes, “Whether it’s business or...
Suffering joyfully for the sake of the gospel
Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you…(Colossians 1:24) It is quite an astonishing thing that Paul says, isn’t it, that he rejoices in suffering for the sake of the gospel (you can read about details of it in 2 Cor 11:16-33). Like Jesus, his Master and...
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