
Listen to our sermon recordings as a podcast or watch our live-streamed service on Facebook, Sundays at 10am.


Seasons of Tiredness

Perhaps like me you’re having a day, or a season, when you’re feeling a little tired, when you’re struggling with aches in your bones or your heart. “What happened?” “I thought I was doing OK.” Things like growth, healing and progress never happen as one continual...

Praying ‘Inappropriate Prayers’ – Part 2

I can’t help but feel sorry for Jeremiah. At a young age, God handed him the toughest assignment there is, that of delivering His message to a people who no longer even acknowledges their sin much less see their need to repent before God. In response, they tried to...

Praying ‘inappropriate’ prayers – Part 1

If one were to measure success in ministry in terms of the number of ‘likes’ and ‘followers’, then Jeremiah was a flop! No one liked him nor the message he preached. That’s because over and over again, he lambasted the people of Israel for violating their covenant...

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