
(Colossians 4:7-18) What makes a person a ‘friend’? My dictionary tells me a friend is ‘a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.’ How often does one need to connect with a friend for them to be a ‘friend’? I have several friends who I...

Prince of Peace

Our theme for 2023 has been, “Have faith in God.” At Christmas we see some wonderful examples of “people of faith” in the characters of the Christmas story. In around 1,000BC God promised King David a descendant who would one day bring real peace to the whole world –...

Pilgrim’s Progress

A book my Dad once gave me has had a huge impact on my life – John Bunyan’s, “Pilgrim’s Progress.” It is the story of a man who lived in the City of Destruction. He read a small Book telling him of coming judgement of all who lived in the city. This knowledge became...

Mental Health

The term, “mental health” has been around since the mid-19th century but was not widely studied. However, in 1948 the World Health Organisation defined mental health as, “…a condition…which enables the individual to achieve a satisfactory synthesis of his (sic) own...