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Advent 2

As per my article last week, we are in a four-week Advent season leading up to Christmas, a period dedicated to reflective preparation for the coming of Christ to reconcile humanity and all of creation to Himself. However, Advent (which is derived from the Latin word,...


Today marks the first Sunday of Advent. It comes from an ancient Latin word adventus, which means coming. Advent – a four-week season leading up to Christmas – is an invitation to all of us to look back at God coming to us in Jesus to reconcile humanity and all of...

Cocoa Butter Hand Cream & Dixie Christian Blues

While writing this article I am listening to Christian Dixie Blues and have a tube of Cocoa Butter Hand Cream nearby on the desk. A weird combination…maybe?? It got me thinking though. What does hand cream do? It soothes and smooths dry skin. What does a chilled Blues...

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