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‘Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people!’ (Luke 5:10b)
In what appears to be a different event from Matthew 4:19, we have Peter, James and John, fishing tirelessly all night and catching nothing. They’re back at the shore washing their fishing nets. Meanwhile, Jesus is preaching nearby to a large crowd that is increasing...
‘Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people’
(Matthew 4:19) On week four of my Sabbatical last year, I experienced what I believe was a ‘God moment’. It was during a sermon at a church service we were at. The pastor began his sermon with a question. He said, “How would you complete the following sentence, ‘God,...
Onward and Upward
Just imagine. In 2025 you’re going to climb Mount Everest. You’re in top physical, emotional, and psychological condition. You’ve done several successful trips on lower peaks. You’ve built up your skills on rock, snow, and ice. You’ve got strength endurance,...
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