What a great time it was at the Members Meeting to hear the stories about what God is doing on our frontlines and in the ministry areas of God’s church at Windsor Road.

The imagery that I had was that God has surrounded us with a whole library.  As we walk on our frontlines and pass people there, we are walking past shelves of books; of people with their own story. At the Members Meeting we were able to hear some of those stories – like at a book club.  It made me want to catch up with people after and hear more; to pray for those people. 

We finished the meeting with a time of prayer, and in that time we got to hear more stories.  Some of these in the Horror section of the library, about followers of Jesus being persecuted in countries like Tanzania and Laos. 

Those stories have stayed with me through the week.  It made me realise that the real and ever-present God is with us on all the frontlines, in all our ministry areas, in all the stories that are going on in the world. 

My reflections this week have been:

  • To pray for the people in those stories
  • To share those stories with others
  • To realise I am in God’s library, and I am walking past people like they are books on a shelf. As I walk past, their stories are unopened and unknown to me, or to others.
  • I need to be more curios and pick up more books, by talking to more people on my frontlines and really hearing what’s happening in their life, to hear their story.

When I am at Kids church and we read a story from the bible, I will ask the kids, who is in that story – and by now they know that even if they haven’t heard or read ‘God’ in the story, that He is in it, and that He is the main character!

God is in every story being told today.  On our frontlines, God is at work.  By talking to people, we are being curious about the story they have to tell and we can look for how God is in their story.  We can help reveal it to them; we can share that story with others, and through sharing it we can honour and glorify our great God.

Go and pick up a new book.
