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Sundays at Windsor Road


Living Life Backward

“The merest of breath…the merest of breaths. Everything is a breath” (Ecclesiastes 1:2) In short, the ‘Teacher’ of Ecclesiastes is saying, “Nothing lasts!” All the things you put enormous time, effort and money into, will not last. Your dream job has a use by date....

Always the Answer

How was your 2023? Are you glad to see the end of it? Or do you not want it to end? How does it compare to the last few years? For me, as the year comes to a close, I like to look back over the 365 days and reflect on the good, the bad, the ugly, the confusing, the...

Prince of Peace

Our theme for 2023 has been, “Have faith in God.” At Christmas we see some wonderful examples of “people of faith” in the characters of the Christmas story. In around 1,000BC God promised King David a descendant who would one day bring real peace to the whole world –...

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