Windsor Road Baptist Church blog

The Bible Is Complex

From this short preaching series, ‘The Hard Sayings of Jesus’, we realise there are a lot of hard sayings in the bible. They are often small phrases that are challenging, hard hitting, and convict us to live differently. But some, or most, might be ‘hard sayings’...

Blocking Out or Letting In?

Do you wear headphones? Top reasons researchers found for the increase in public and workplace wearing of headphones include: · You can still be aware and not hear. · It is a great “don’t talk to me” signal. · To cancel the noise…of the public....

You Are A Child Of God

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God…(John 1:12) Evidently, Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”. Insecurity about who we are is a significant...

The Great Tragedy of Life

I’ve been a Christian since 1979 and yet there is so much to prayer I know very little of or understand. I can tell you stories of God answering my prayers very quickly and sometimes, very unexpectedly. I also have stories of my prayers going unanswered. Praying has...

1 John 2:6 and abiding …

I’ve started studying John’s letters (1, 2, and 3 John) in my morning Bible study.  The commentary I’ve been using (by John D. Hannah) is quite in-depth and, so far, I’m only up to chapter 2 verse 7!  It always amazes me how reading God’s Word brings out...

Unhurried Time With God (part 3)

Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked Psalm 84:10 I wrote a couple of weeks ago, that Psalm 84, one of my favourite psalms, has to be, in my opinion, the...

Unhurried Time With God

Without a question, the most precious thing about my recent Sabbatical leave has been the gift of having unhurried time with God, whether it was time spent worshipping God in songs, praying, reading His word and being quiet with Him. You could call this the spiritual...


There is a movie on Netflix at the moment called Outback. It’s about two American tourists who spontaneously change their road trip route from Sydney to Cairns by adding a detour to Uluru. They drive and drive and eventually get stranded in the desert. At one point in...

Pray, Wait, Trust

I don’t know about you, but I’m still pondering on many things that Rebecca and Sue McP shared over the past six weeks in their Faith and Mental Health and Holy Habits series. And I’ve found that those difficult Covey questions Sue quoted keep coming back to me:...

The Thin Wedge

It seems that we are continuously bombarded by distractions, lies and temptations that can get us off the path that God has for us. Sins usually starts small or relatively mild, but it is the thin end of the wedge. Left unchecked, sins will continue to grow until they...